Monday, July 16, 2012

Following Dreams & Newborns!

          It's hard to imagine where your dreams will take you. You have to aim high and just see where the road takes you. I am loving this road I'm currently traveling. I have met so many amazing people that I never would have come to know, as well as learned so much about who I am in the process! That, I never saw coming!

         So, bear with me... I'm going to break into a story. Travel back in time for a few moments.
At the end of my 8th grade year of Junior High, they sat us all down and made us fill out a piece of paper to map out our high school plan, which was to be based on what we planned to do after we graduated. At the bottom, we were to list three jobs we would want, or three courses we would major in through college. Then, they gave us 20 minutes to complete these forms. I went into full panic mode. This piece of paper was representing the rest of my life. I stared at it and just went blank. I knew I would attend college. That was never a question. But I couldn't decide what I was going to major in. I was in the 8th grade... I felt I would have time to decide what career I would pursue before I graduated. And as I stared at this sheet of paper, all I could think was... I just want to be happy! I don't remember what I wrote down, but I know I completed the entire form with 3 minutes remaining... and I know I didn't follow any of those paths.

         Fast forward to my freshman year of college. Of course, those who have attended college know your freshman year is full of classes you just MUST HAVE to graduate, period. No way around it. I was finding I was really drawn to psychology, but I was also drawn to science... but as one of my MUST HAVE electives, I took a dark room photography class. I'd always liked taking pictures, but had never put much thought into it. But as I got into the class, bought my first SLR, and started developing my own images... I fell in love. I was constantly picking the professors brain, and asking questions, and I was just absorbing everything he could show me. I ended up taking the only other dark room class they offered, and convinced the professor to create a class for me to continue taking it. I just couldn't get enough.

        One day, during lunch with a friend, we ran into our English 101 professor. He inquired about our future plans. For the first time ever, I heard come from my mouth, "I think I'm going to be a photographer." And as it did, everything just clicked. Of course that was my path! But as quickly as the revelation came to me, it was quickly squashed. The professor turned his nose and said, "You'll never be able to make a living on that, and you'll be miserable." And to my dismay, my so-called friend, agreed and they proceeded to explain to me why this was a horrible idea for me. I ended up taking their advise to heart, and I left the idea behind. I ended up getting a degree in Biological Science. Yes, I'm a certified nerd. Got the diploma to prove it!!

        I won't say how long passed before I finally realized, I was meant to be a photographer. I let someones ideals change my path... In the past year, I have really come into my own. I have experienced my own ups and downs... but I'm learning. And loving every single minute of it! I'm not going to say this path is for everyone, but it was the one for me. I wasted so much time allowing someones ideals stop me from chasing my dream.

         So, my advise to you - NEVER let someone else tell you that your dream isn't worth following. As long as you aren't harming anyone, anything, or yourself - follow that dream with a vengeance! Love yourself enough to attempt to achieve your dreams. You may be surprised where that takes you! It just might lead you somewhere you never even imagined.

        That said, when I started taking photos, I never imagined I'd ever travel far. And that was fine with me. I wanted to provide great images for people here in my area that I felt were lacking. (Not to say there aren't any great photographers here in my area!! By NO means is that what I'm saying! There are some greatly talented photographers here and they are AWESOME!) But I knew there had to be more than the grocery store special...

        Recently, my path took me nearly across the state to take newborn shots and I could not have been more thrilled! I am beyond humbled for the opportunity and I have to say... this was by far, my favorite newborn shoot to date. (Okay, I think I might say that about every shoot I do, but I can't help that I meet these new, amazing people and it just fills me with so much love and energy I can't contain it!!)  So, I won't go on and on anymore, and I'll let you see a few images from our shoot, and you can see for yourself just how adorable this little man is!

All three siblings!

This bow tie is A.D.ORABLE!

Tiny Toes!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Balloons & Rocking Horses...

          I may have just been in love with this little family, but oh my goodness, these images were just adorable and I couldn't get enough of them! Madison is 2 years old now and she is B.E.A.U.TIFUL!!! She was a bit reserved to give me many smiles, but eventually I caught a few of that elusive, yet gorgeous smile!

          Enjoy a few images from our shoot!

Balloons are off to Disney World!!

Dad said they wanted a black and white photo with only her eyes in color... so here it is. And yes, this is her REAL eye color... I'm beyond amazed at how beautiful her little eyes are!!!